默许的英文,英语,acquiescence是什么意思,acquiescence中文翻译,acquiescence怎么读、发音、用法及例句_互联网整合营销 (2024)


acquiescence 发音

英:[ˌækwiˈes(ə)ns]  美:[ˌækwiˈes(ə)ns]

英:  美:

acquiescence 中文意思翻译



acquiescence 短语词组

1、acquiescence define ─── 默认定义

2、acquiescence quotes ─── 默许引述

3、acquiescence set ─── 默许集

4、acquiescence responding ─── 默许回应

5、acquiescence bias ─── 默许偏差

6、tacit acquiescence ─── 默认

7、acquiescence synonym ─── 默许同义词

8、acquiescence irs ─── 默认irs

9、affirmance by acquiescence ─── [法] 用默认作肯定声明

acquiescence 词性/词形变化,acquiescence变形


acquiescence 相似词语短语

1、acquiesced ─── vi.默许;勉强同意

2、acquiescent ─── adj.默认的;默许的;甘心接受的

3、acquiesce ─── vi.默许;勉强同意

4、quiescence ─── n.静止;沉默

5、acquiescently ─── adv.默认地;顺从地;默许地

6、acaulescence ─── n.无茎,短缩茎

7、acquiesces ─── vi.默许;勉强同意

8、accrescence ─── n.添加;成长

9、acescence ─── n.酸度;变酸过程

acquiescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some local governments in order to stimulate investment, promote economic growth, which should also play a role acquiescence some tax policies at the local name. ─── 而一些地方政府为了拉动投资,促进经济增长,也会默许一些本来应该起到作用的税收政策在当地形同虚设。”

2、One reason for Israel's acquiescence is a positive feeling towards the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. ─── 以色列默许的一个原因是对联合国秘书部长潘基文积极态度。

3、women was the true maintenance class,society is built up on their acquiescence ,and upon their small,necessary labors. ─── 女人是真正维护社会的群体,社会是建立在她们的默默无闻和细微,必要的劳动上.

4、Acquiescence of his German officers there to provide him with food, Szpilman able to hang on until the end of World War II. ─── 德国军官默许他的存在并向他提供食物,斯皮曼得以撑到二战结束。

5、Some developers feel that the practice is certain acquiescence and connivance. ─── 至此,购房者对“公序良俗”的信任受到经济利益的挑战。

6、To prevent such an incident, decoration margin in the industry has been acquiescence. ─── 为防止这样的事发生,装修保证金在业内得到默许。

7、Very little of any note can happen without at least its acquiescence. ─── 最起码要有美国的默许,才能产生一点想法。

8、I suggest acquiescence if you enjoy grappling with the urge to hurl yourself in front of a train. ─── 我的建议如果你喜欢将自己投身于一列火车前面的那种冲动话,那么就采用默许法。

9、affirmance by acquiescence ─── [法] 用默认作肯定声明

10、Fareed Zakaria writes weekly encomiums to Obama's "realism," by which he means Obama's acquiescence to the "post-American world. ─── 应当说,奥巴马所作所为对于这些衰落论者的言论一点那也不名副其实。

11、Due to the teacher turned around to leave, the acquiescence of the students study hall, Wang Xiao-day suddenly got up: "The teacher, I would like to read. ─── 在国外市场中,我国干燥设备的主要竞争对手仍将是欧洲的丹麦、瑞士、英国、德国、亚洲的日本、北美洲的美国。

12、Respect for its authority, compliance with its laws, acquiescence in its measures, are duties enjoined by the fundamental maxims of true liberty. ─── 尊重它的权威,服从它的法律,依照它的政策,这些义务,乃是真正的自由之基本准则所训示的。

13、deemed as acquiescence ─── 视为默认

14、On the first Tuesday morning the choice for a moment seemed to lie between an air strike or acquiescence ─── 在第一个星期二的上午,一时看来,要在空袭或默认之间作出选择。

15、A somewhat grudging acquiescence from the old man gave me a clear day in which to make my observations ─── 老头子勉强默认了,这就给我争取到一整天的时间去进行观察。

16、acquiescence to a demand ─── 对某个要求的默许

17、Carlson has a diagnosis to offer: the Dems are suffering from "SARS" - only he means not a rampant form of pneumonia but the dreaded "Simpering Acquiescence to Republicans Syndrome". ─── 卡尔森还给出了诊断:民主党人得了SARS--此处他可不是指当今流行的非典型性肺炎,而是可怕的“对共和党人赔笑默许综合症”(该短语的英文缩写也是SARS)。

18、These things do you swear.Let each bow the head in sign of acquiescence. ─── 凡我所见所闻,无论有无业务关系,我认为应守秘密者,我愿保守秘密。

19、Thus far, the government has tried to offer a substitute for democracy;econ-ocracy - using higher living standards to buy acquiescence. ─── 目前中国当局致力于发展经济,以抵消人们对政治生活的不满。

20、Perhaps because of a small change in developers and users over snafu, perhaps earth-shaking changes, but with nothing like the two sides, acquiescence. ─── 也许会因很小的变动,开发商与用户争执得天翻地覆,也许翻天覆地的变化,双方却跟没事似的,默认了。

21、This is due to his acquiescence ─── 这是因为他的默许。

22、an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power ─── 用武力获得默许的侵略性的尝试

23、inclined her head in acquiescence. ─── 她点头默许

24、And reluctant acquiescence by some parties would only have led to turmoil. ─── 勉强接受了,也会造成混乱局面。

25、Of course, Bhutto's acquiescence to, and participation in, the general corruption of the Pakistani government was part of the reason public schools were so inadequate and madrasahs became popular. ─── 当然,布托默许并与巴基斯坦政府上下腐败势力同流合污也能部分解释为何公立学校匮乏而伊斯兰学校盛行。

26、1.And there was only grudging acquiescence in its complicated system of rationing scarce consumer goods: coffee, sugar, meat, butter, canned goods, shoes, tires, gasoline, and fuel oil. ─── 对咖啡、食糖、肉类、黄油、罐头、鞋类、轮胎、汽油、燃料等稀缺消费品实行配给的复杂制度,人们也只是勉强默认。

27、I wonder if her husband is the acquiescence of the night simply facts, or simply to ignore the media frivolous. ─── 不知她是默认了丈夫夜夜笙歌的事实,还是懒得再理会传媒的无聊。

28、Very little of any note can happen without at least its acquiescence. ─── 没有美国的默许,想办成点事情不那么容易。

29、Cheerful acquiescence or willingness. ─── 欣然同意或乐意

30、On Tuesday May 19th America’s president announced plans to set strict new rules for fuel economy, to the acclaim of environmentalists and the acquiescence of Americas beleaguered car industry. ─── 19日星期二,美国总统宣布制定新的严格的燃料经济办法,这对于环保主义者来讲值得欢呼,但是对于美国的低迷的汽车行业来讲却只能默默地接受。

31、Difference from its attitude to the eastward expansion of NATO, Russia is acquiescence to and in favor of the eastern enlargement of the EU. ─── 与反对北约东扩的立场完全不同 ,俄罗斯默许并赞同欧盟东扩。

32、On the first Tuesday morning the choice for a moment seemed to lie between an air strike or acquiescence. ─── 在第一个星期二的上午,一时看来,要在空袭或默认之间作出选择。

33、And it is true that there are plenty of examples of European acquiescence. ─── 而且这是千真万确,有许多欧洲人默许极端分子的例子。

34、Some will seek 'status' through renewed acquiescence and Uncle Tomism(Alvin F.Poussaint) ─── 有人用逆来顺受主义来寻求‘立足之地’(阿尔文F.普森特)

35、The website hits acquiescence Right Key-choice attributes ─── 在默认网站上点击右键-选择属性

36、Overtime acquiescence ─── 超时默许

37、an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power. ─── 用武力获得默许的侵略性的尝试。

38、Almost everyone, because their debt has secured the acquiescence of the Government of the United States (now explicitly guarantees). ─── 几乎所有人,因为它们的债务有美国政府的默许担保(现在是明确担保)。

39、Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another; acquiescence. ─── 赞同对另一个人所计划或做的事情表示接受或赞许;同意

40、Where I expected to find indignation, I found paralysis, or a sort of dim acquiescence, as in a child who is duly swallowing a distasteful pill. ─── 当你在希特勒的著述中发现他对全人类是何等蔑视时,他对日尔曼民族命运的专注便黯然失色了。

41、Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another;acquiescence. ─── 赞同对另一个人所计划或做的事情表示接受或赞许;

42、Silence always produces somewhat the effect of acquiescence, of the enemy being driven to the wall. ─── 寂静总多少有那么点默许或哑口无言的味儿。

43、acquiescence in her father's wishes had been degradation to herself ─── 正是由于对父亲愿望的默许。她辱没了自己。

44、Waiver or acquiescence presupposes that the person to be bound is fully cognizant of his rights. ─── 放弃或者默许的权利应当是从当事人已充分认识他的权利为前提。

45、As he is up for election to prefect in his final year, I decided acquiescence was the best strategy. ─── 由于他正打算在最后一学年竞选班长,因此,我认为叫他自己处理是最佳策略。

46、3.As everyone knows, Ctrl+Alt+Del for Win2k/NT operating system log-in n ot systematic of acquiescence /cancel not lasting key array, the systematic rank is very high. ─── 众所周知,Ctrl+Alt+Del是Win2k/NT操作系统默认的系统登录/注销组合键序列,系统级别很高。

47、This reporter knows, every line of the sequence of hands is a self-made, but the numbers have been queuing persons acquiescence. ─── 记者这才知道,每位排队者手里都有一个自制的顺序号,而且这个号码也都得到排队者的默认。

48、'Vice President Biden's acquiescence to such a policy should shock the conscience of every American. ─── 副总统拜登对这样一种政策的默认应该震撼每个美国人的良知。

49、The apparent acquiescence of most voters in their own relative impoverishment turns out to reflect shifts in underlying political attitudes. ─── 大多数选民对于他们自己相对贫困化的明显接受的态度反映了潜在的政治态度的变化。

50、If we stepped up our response, the best form of Soviet pressure on Hanoi would be acquiescence in our actions ─── 如果我们加强自己的反应,那么苏联对河内施加压力的最好形式就是默许我们的行动。

51、response acquiescence ─── 反应默许

52、Why have the Chinese shifted from strident opposition to muted acquiescence? ─── 为什么中国突然转变了态度,变得沉默或者说使默许了呢?

53、There was general acquiescence in the UN sanctions. ─── 普遍默认了联合国的制裁。

54、Before none of your printed idols do I bend in acquiescence, and he who saith "thou shalt" to me is my mortal foe! ─── 在你们造出的偶像面前,我永不会默默屈服,对我说“尔当”之人即是我之死敌!

55、Caitlin smiled her acquiescence. ─── 凯特琳以微笑默许。

56、Suicide is belated acquiescence in the opinion of one's wife's relatives. ─── 自杀就是他太太亲戚的过期无效默许。

57、Even acquiescence can. ─── 哪怕是默许都可以。

58、I wonder if I can get some advice from you, he began, and received an acquiescence of willingness that made his heart bound. ─── “我不知道你是否可以告诉我,”他开始了,对方的默许使他的心怦怦地跳,你还记得吧?

59、nor shall the action or inaction of the Lender in respect of any default or any acquiescence affect or impair any right, power or remedy of the Lender in respect of any other default. ─── 本协议中任何违约所导致的贷款人对任何权利、权力或补救措施的延误或疏忽,不得损害(其它)任何权利、权力或补救措施,也不得视为是此类违约的弃权或默许;

60、For all its mistakes, Hamas commands the loyalty of millions of Palestinians, so no peace with Israel will hold without its acquiescence. ─── 因为它最大的失误是让哈马斯深得数百万巴勒斯坦民众的拥护,而没有哈马斯的默许,与以色列的和平就无从谈起。

61、How is your acquiescence to the government and media, and the way you are used, different from a cow who is mutilated by an extraterrestrial? ─── 你们如何默许政府和媒体,而同样你们为此习以为常,与一头被地外生命毁伤的牛有何不同?

62、Her parents will never take acquiescence of such a marriage ─── 她的父母决不会答应这婚事

63、For example, Moscow sees a quick solution to the Chechnya imbroglio with tacit U.S. support or at least acquiescence. ─── 例如:莫斯科希望得到美国不公开的支持,或者默许来尽快解决车臣问题。

64、The difference between a wife and a girl friend is the difference between routine acquiescence and enthusiastic cooperation. ─── 男人慢慢发觉老婆和女朋友的区别在于:一个是例行公事的默许,一个是满腔热情的配合。

65、Inclined her head in acquiescence ─── 她点头默许斜面;斜坡

66、2.He did it under the acquiescence of his boss. ─── 他是在上司的默许下做这件事的。

67、The United States thus shapes and dominates the international order while guaranteeing a flow of benefits to other governments that earns their acquiescence. ─── 这样,在确保不断向其他政府输送利益从而赢得它们默许的同时,美国可以构造并主导国际秩序。

68、general acquiescence in the UN sanctions. ─── 普遍默认了联合国的制裁。

69、He did it under the acquiescence of his boss ─── 他是在上司的默许下做这件事的

70、From "Overtime Acquiescence" Mechanism of Tianjin Nankai District to Administrative Permission Innovation ─── 从天津市南开区"超时默许"机制看行政审批创新

71、Why then should tolerance, as far as the public sentiment is concerned, extend only to tastes and modes of life which extort acquiescence by the multitude of their adherents? ─── 这样看来,专就公众情操来说,为什么宽容还应当仅仅施及那些由其为数众多的依附者强要他人勉从的生活嗜好和生活方式呢?

72、Women are the true maintenance class. Society is built upon their acquiescence, and upon their small and neccessary labors. ─── 女人是维系社会的真正阶级。社会是建立在她们默许上,建立在她们微小单必不可少的劳动上的。

73、Suddenly he was assailed by an overwhelming inner conflict: on the one hand, he was afraid his daughter would shake her head;on the other, he was afraid to see her nod in acquiescence. ─── 但忽然他的心里又浮起了几乎不能自信的矛盾:一方面是惟恐女儿摇头,一方面却又怕看见女儿点头答应。

74、These verbs all mean to frighten into submission, compliance, or acquiescence. ─── 这些动词都表示通过吓唬使人屈服、顺从或默认。

75、The so-called "accommodation" is the money for the director acquiescence. ─── 所谓的“通融”就是用金钱换取房产商的默许。

76、The basic reason is that in developers and some local governments have been covering acts of acquiescence "tolerance" and even support. ─── 根本原因在于,开发商的违法占地行为得到了一些地方政府的默许“宽容”甚至支持。

77、I wonder if I can get some advice from you," he began, and received an acquiescence of willingness that made his heart bound ─── “我不知道你是否可以告诉我,”他开始了,对方的默许使他的心怦怦地跳,“你还记得吧?

78、"Some will seek ‘status’ through renewed acquiescence and Uncle Tomism" (Alvin F. Poussaint) ─── “有人用逆来顺受主义来寻求‘立足之地’”(阿尔文F.普森特)

79、However, the other view is that good people do not always forthcoming approach Xunu:shi have directly led to the feeling that the other party acquiescence. ─── 不过,对方说好派人来看却始终没动静的做法,直接导致许女士产生对方默认此事的感觉。

80、Defarge looked gloomily at his wife, and gave no other answer than a gruff sound of acquiescence. ─── 德伐日阴沉地望了望他的妻子,只哼了一声表示默认,却没说话。

81、It is the acceptance of perfection and the acquiescence of complete surrender that will allow you to frequent the realms of transcendent beauty. ─── 它是接受完和默许彻底屈服,将允许你们流连于超然美感领域。

82、Being silent can be a mode of resistance, respect, apathy or acquiescence. ─── 沉默可以是一反制,可以是尊重,可以是冷漠或默许。

83、absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of republics, from which is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism; ─── 要绝对服从多数的决定,这是共和政体的主要原则,离开这个原则,便只好诉诸武力,而这就是专制的主要原则和直接起源;

84、Her parents will never take acquiescence of such a marriage. ─── 他的父母决不会答应这门婚事。

85、In many places, local governments or relevant functional departments can set a "red" or in local government "only spiritual, not paper" "acquiescence" of the vehicle can flagrant charges. ─── 在许多地方,地方政府或有关职能部门随便制定一个“红头文件”或在地方政府“只有精神、没有文件”的“默许”下,就可以明目张胆对汽车收费。

86、He telegraphed his acquiescence, explained to the representative who called at the hotel the same day, took a certificate of payment, and told Carrie to pack her trunk. ─── 他发了一份电报表示同意,向当天就来旅馆找他的那个代理人作了一番解释。拿了收据,然后就叫嘉莉收拾箱子。

87、She smiled acquiescence. ─── 她笑了一笑表示同意。

88、Conflicting claims to the Presidency must be amicably and peaceably adjusted, and that when so adjusted the general acquiescence of the nation ought surely to fellow. ─── 总统职位之争应本着友好、平和的原则予以调节,而且一旦这种调节、疏导的工作完成,全国上下就应该一致遵从。

89、This effort of Bodhisattva's acquiescence with compassion for all sentient beings will never cease even should Void-dhatu, or Spheres, Karma, and Klesa of sentient beings come to an end. ─── 菩萨如是随顺众生,虚空界尽,众生界尽,众生业尽,众生烦恼尽,我此随顺无有穷尽。

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默许的英文,英语,acquiescence是什么意思,acquiescence中文翻译,acquiescence怎么读、发音、用法及例句_互联网整合营销 (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.