Radware's First Half 2024 Report: Web DDoS Attacks Climb 265% (2024)

Radware’s First Half 2024 Report: Web DDoS Attacks Climb 265%

Radware® (NASDAQ: RDWR), a global leader in applicationsecurity and delivery solutions for multi-cloud environments,released its H1 2024 Global Threat Analysis Report.

“During the first half of 2024, high-intensity, volumetricattacks surged, marked by a growing emphasis on the applicationinfrastructure,” said Pascal Geenens, Radware’s director of threatintelligence. “World-wide geopolitical tensions, includingconflicts in Europe and the Middle East, as well as internationalevents, like country elections, Eurovision, UEFA Euro, and theOlympics, continue to drive malicious activity. In the back half ofthe year, we expect attacks to continue to climb, as more threatactors adopt AI technology democratized through increasinglypowerful and publicly available large language models. The gravityof the upcoming election in the United States and concerns overdecelerating financial markets are also set to fuel cyberdisruption.”

Radware’s report leverages intelligence provided by network andapplication attack activity sourced from the company’s Cloud andManaged Services and threat intelligence research team. Inaddition, it draws from information found on Telegram, a publicmessaging platform often used by cybercriminals.

Web DDoS attacks climb more than 200%
Web DDoS attacks made significant gains in frequency andintensity.

  • Number of attacks: In the first half of 2024, Web DDoSattacks surged globally 265% compared to the second half of2023.
  • Geographic targets: Organizations in EMEA were theprimary target of Web DDoS attacks between January and June of2024, shouldering more than 90% of the attacks.

Recently, Radware reported a record-breaking six-day Web DDoSattack campaign, targeting a financial institution. It consisted ofmultiple waves, which lasted 4- to 12-hours, amounting to a totalof 100 hours of attack time and sustaining an average of 4.5million RPS with a peak of 14.7 million RPS.

Network-layer DDoS attack volumes increaseexponentially
During the first half of 2024:

  • Attack volume: Average DDoS volume blocked perorganization grew by 293% in EMEA, 116% in the Americas, and 302%in APAC, compared to the same period in 2023.
  • Geographic targets:
    • The Americas faced 58% of global attacks and 37% of the volume,while EMEA accounted for 23% of the attacks but mitigated 56% ofthe global volume.
    • The APAC region accounted for almost 19% of attacks and 7% ofthe global volume.
  • Industry targets: Globally, finance organizationsexperienced the highest attack activity (44%), followed byhealthcare (17%), technology (10%), and government (7%).

Application-layer DNS DDoS attack activityquadruples
Between January and June of 2024:

  • Attack activity:
    • DNS DDoS attack activity quadrupled compared to the first halfof 2023.
    • The number of malicious DNS queries grew by 76% compared to thetotal number of queries observed during all of 2023.
  • Industry targets: Finance was the most targetedindustry, representing 52% of the total Layer 7 DNS Flood attackactivity. Healthcare, telecom, and research and education wereother notable industries.

Hacktivist DDoS activity continues unabated
During the first half of 2024, the hacktivist landscape remaineddynamic with constant DDoS activities. According to data gatheredfrom Telegram:

  • Number of attacks: Hacktivist-driven DDoS attackshovered between 1,000 to 1,200 claimed attacks per month.
  • Top actors claiming DDoS attacks: NoName057(16)remained the most active threat actor by a significant margin,claiming 1,902 attacks, followed by Executor DDoS (577 claimedattacks) and Cyber Army of Russia Reborn (437 claimedattacks).
  • Geographic targets: Ukraine was the most targetedcountry with 741 claimed attacks compared to 744 attacks in all of2023. The United States ranked second (604 claimed attacks),followed by Israel (542 claimed attacks), and India (364 claimedattacks).
  • Website targets: Government websites were tophacktivist targets, especially in Ukraine, Israel and India.Business and economy followed by travel were the second and thirdmost targeted websites respectively.

“Following the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Telegram hascontinued to inspire many hacktivists and other ill-intended groupsto make a move for the platform,” said Geenens. “It’s become amajor hub for cyber criminals, making it easier for them to recruitvolunteers, build global alliances, create and sell attackservices, and exchange cryptocurrency.”

Web application and API attacks rise
During the first half of 2024:

  • Number of attacks: Web application and API attacksincreased by 22% compared to the second half of 2023.
  • Geographic targets: The majority of web attacks (66%)were targeting applications and APIs located in North America.Applications in EMEA accounted for 23% of the attack activity.

Radware’s complete 2024 Global Threat Analysis Report can bedownloaded here.

About Radware
Radware® (NASDAQ: RDWR) is a global leader inapplication security and delivery solutions for multi-cloudenvironments. The company’s cloud application, infrastructure, andAPI security solutions use AI-driven algorithms for precise,hands-free, real-time protection from the most sophisticated web,application, and DDoS attacks, API abuse, and bad bots. Enterprisesand carriers worldwide rely on Radware’s solutions to addressevolving cybersecurity challenges and protect their brands andbusiness operations while reducing costs. For more information,please visit the Radware website.

Radware encourages you to join our community and follow us on:Facebook, LinkedIn, Radware Blog, X, YouTube, and Radware Mobilefor iOS.

©2024 Radware Ltd. All rights reserved. Any Radware products andsolutions mentioned in this press release are protected bytrademarks, patents, and pending patent applications of Radware inthe U.S. and other countries. For more details, pleasesee:https://www.radware.com/LegalNotice/. All othertrademarks and names are property of their respective owners.


Radware believes the information in this document is accurate inall material respects as of its publication date. However, theinformation is provided without any express, statutory, or impliedwarranties and is subject to change without notice.

The contents of any website or hyperlinks mentioned in thispress release are for informational purposes and the contentsthereof are not part of this press release.

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release includes “forward-looking statements” withinthe meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of1995. Any statements made herein that are not statements ofhistorical fact, including statements about Radware’s plans,outlook, beliefs, or opinions, are forward-looking statements.Generally, forward-looking statements may be identified by wordssuch as “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,”“estimates,” “plans,” and similar expressions or future orconditional verbs such as “will,” “should,” “would,” “may,” and“could.” For example, when we say in this press release that in theback half of the year, we expect attacks to continue to climb, asmore threat actors adopt AI technology democratized throughincreasingly powerful and publicly available large language models,we are using forward-looking statements. Because such statementsdeal with future events, they are subject to various risks anduncertainties, and actual results, expressed or implied by suchforward-looking statements, could differ materially from Radware’scurrent forecasts and estimates. Factors that could cause orcontribute to such differences include, but are not limited to: theimpact of global economic conditions, including as a result of thestate of war declared in Israel in October 2023 and instability inthe Middle East, the war in Ukraine, and the tensions between Chinaand Taiwan; our dependence on independent distributors to sell ourproducts; our ability to manage our anticipated growtheffectively; a shortage of components or manufacturingcapacity could cause a delay in our ability to fulfill orders orincrease our manufacturing costs; our business may be affected bysanctions, export controls, and similar measures, targeting Russiaand other countries and territories, as well as other responses toRussia’s military conflict in Ukraine, including indefinitesuspension of operations in Russia and dealings with Russianentities by many multi-national businesses across a variety ofindustries; the ability of vendors to provide our hardwareplatforms and components for the manufacture of our products; ourability to attract, train, and retain highly qualified personnel;intense competition in the market for cyber security andapplication delivery solutions and in our industry in general, andchanges in the competitive landscape; our ability to develop newsolutions and enhance existing solutions; the impact to ourreputation and business in the event of real or perceivedshortcomings, defects, or vulnerabilities in our solutions, if ourend-users experience security breaches, if our informationtechnology systems and data, or those of our service providers andother contractors, are compromised by cyber-attackers or othermalicious actors or by a critical system failure; outages,interruptions, or delays in hosting services; the risks associatedwith our global operations, such as difficulties and costs ofstaffing and managing foreign operations, compliance costs arisingfrom host country laws or regulations, partial or totalexpropriation, export duties and quotas, local tax exposure,economic or political instability, including as a result ofinsurrection, war, natural disasters, and major environmental,climate, or public health concerns, such as the COVID-19 pandemic;our net losses in the past two years and possibility we may incurlosses in the future; a slowdown in the growth of the cybersecurity and application delivery solutions market or in thedevelopment of the market for our cloud-based solutions; long salescycles for our solutions; risks and uncertainties relating toacquisitions or other investments; risks associated with doingbusiness in countries with a history of corruption or withforeign governments; changes in foreign currency exchangerates; risks associated with undetected defects or errors in ourproducts; our ability to protect our proprietary technology;intellectual property infringement claims made by third parties;laws, regulations, and industry standards affecting our business;compliance with open source and third-party licenses; and otherfactors and risks over which we may have little or no control. Thislist is intended to identify only certain of the principal factorsthat could cause actual results to differ. For a more detaileddescription of the risks and uncertainties affecting Radware, referto Radware’s Annual Report on Form 20-F, filed with the Securitiesand Exchange Commission (SEC), and the other risk factors discussedfrom time to time by Radware in reports filed with, or furnishedto, the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the dateon which they are made and, except as required by applicable law,Radware undertakes no commitment to revise or update anyforward-looking statement in order to reflect events orcirc*mstances after the date any such statement is made. Radware’spublic filings are available from the SEC’s website at www.sec.govor may be obtained on Radware’s website atwww.radware.com.

Radware's First Half 2024 Report: Web DDoS Attacks Climb 265% (1)
Radware's First Half 2024 Report: Web DDoS Attacks Climb 265% (2)

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.