The Liberty Review from Liberty, Kansas (2024)



appeal of the Iowa. Kailroa I Commissioners from the injunction c.l l. IToii-nll Itritisit Minltr Aituwnrs an Inqulr THE WOKLD AT LAIMJK Summary of tho Dally Nowa Th, the iiutting into force of the new schedulo The Class of Men Who Constitute the Great Iteform Party. To us oue of tho most encouraging" features of the present political cam i a is 11 a tes iijxs jonf lcuucvx hi iuu low a nothing but deceit? They 'dueate yott to their way of thinking by means of an owned press. Withdraw your support from their press and see lew quickly things will be changed.

Labor knows that they are sustaining a pecMs which has proven itself hostile to its interests aiid starve those advocating its interest. If it business man Supreme Court. Wliicli to Much CrltiHsm. Oct. 2Ti.

The following letter has been published ar.d Is the cause Of considerable eommeut upon the action of West: Bf Sept. 13, isa Sir: I am In receipt of vour letter ft the 4lh instant ani bet? to say I fully MDrteiate the difficulty hirli fin Yourself In catm your vote. The Chicago, Burlington Quincy rail road bridge at Sterling, 111., was destroyed by tire recently. Loss, Forest lires are reported raging Santa Cruz, Alameda and San ouan Counties, Yen are pre! ably aware that any political party Cal. Much wheat and fruit ha3 been nhicU onPiilv favored the motuer GESEPaT.

Ten cases of small-pox have been reported at Keswick, a small village in the northern part of Y'ork County, Out. The place has been quarantined. Two beautiful daughters of a gamekeeper have been found in a forest near Leskau, Moravia. The breasts of one of th girls was severed, while the other was pinned to the ground with a spike driven through the abdomen. The motive of tho crime) was supposed to have been jealor.jy.

A club house in Moscow, Russia, collapsed the other day, and a large number of inmates perished beneath the ruins. Sixteen dead bodies were recovered. The schooner Caldwell, of New Y'ork, is reported lost in the Caribbean sea, with probably the loss of nineteen lives. The Franco-Chinese commercial convention passed its first reading in the French Chamber of Deputies without debate. German courts have declared illegal tho embargo on Dr.

Mackenzie's book. Il was Ihr. present moment would lose popularity, and I treating Statistics. The report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture, just issued, shows that the total acreage sown in winter wheat in 17 was acres harvested in 188; bushels, 1C.135.120. Total acreage of spring wheat.

41.170; bushels harvested, 583.5W. The total product of winter and spring wheat this year was 15,720,719 bushe s. There were planted this year in corn, 'X 3 2o7 acres, of which 5.574,405 acres were harvested, yielding bushels. The acreage sown iu oats in 1HS8 was 1.050,814 and tho yield 51,005,055 bushels. According to the assessors' returns, Kansas has this year 700,723 head of horses.

92, mules and asses, and milch cows, a large increase in each class over the inini'w reported in 1887. She has also head, of other cattle; sheep and 1,433 2(5 swine. Judge Sawyer has allowed ten Chinese that the party power is rully aware paign is the evidence it auords 01 a large in the number of tnose whose political action in the coming election will be shaped by inward convictions as to the right and wrong of things rather than by the superficial and often questionable motives of cx-pedicucy and partisan loyalty. With the special phases of the independent movement we have at present no concern at all. We are considering it only in its larger and more general aspects.

In this view of it we can safely say fact. The party, however, ir. I believe, sin should pursue such a course he would be rated "weak" by JJrmlstrccL Still you persist in such cupidity for som reason unknown to human intelligence. You have elected, and persist in electing, law-makers after knowing just how they deceive yon. You go beyond scriptural injunctions and hot sailors of an American vessel to land at San Francisco.

They had shipped from that port on round trip. oest-ous of nii'intainiiig friendly relation with CJrcat Hritain. and is still as desirous 01 settling all questions with Canada wtiu-n Have Further reports of extreme distress in ben unfortunately reopened since the retrac Ramsey County, have been published. The worst sufferers are said to be a settlement of Polish Jews, numbering tion of the treaty by the Republican majority i the Senate and by the I'residenCs message. WASHINGTON NOTES.

TnK Comptroller of tho Currency declared dividends in favor of tr t-reilit ors of the Fifth National 'j. of Iuis, which failed Nove.nW? lper making in ceu on claims proved, aruoir lo The Secretary Uift IntwioP re. pared his ert.rr, of )ro lliMj' the Interior lhslHirtmBut fr the Those for the current year aKfr.eKate)4,7.i:!,m llAMff.TON his Written to the Governor of Florida suggesting tiie enactment of a law for tlie estub ih-nent of a hi ate Board of Health and auxiliary Immili in each of tho counties. lie submitted the draft of a hill. Already nro being made from various sections of the country in behalf of for quarters at Washington during tho Presidential inauguration next March.

A meeting was held on the the principal subject under discussion being the in jud ieiom letter of Minister West to a British-American elector of California. to nh'h you allude. All allowances muss therefoie be ftm-ie for the political situation a souls. The Cheyennes living seventy-five miles rcpards the Pivbidfntial flection thus created. It is.

bewever, imiKfcsiMeV predict the course that wo are deeply gratified tit tho progress the movement is mtiking in all parts of the Union. It is, as wc regard it, one of the most hopeful and south of Fort Buford, are reported in a starving condition. which President Cleveland may pursue in tn matter of retaliation should he be re-elected; said tho Emperor himself was in favor of Tub first train through the Wicks on tho Montana Central road passed but there is every reason to believe that, walla tipliohliiitf the position he has taken, no wm manifest a spirit of conciliation in dealing wnn health ful signs on the political horizon. It shows that men are acting as well as thinking for themselves in matters of political concern; that in such the questinn involved iu his message. I inclose en article from the New York 'Jiinfs of August The report also givt's the population cj cities on March 1, 18H, there being twenty cities in the State with more than 5,000 inhabitants, as Leavenworth, Topeka, SI Wichita, 33fi3; Kansas Ci Athison, 17.023; Fort Scott.

1G.1"9; Hut' hin-on, 13 151 Lawrence, 11.055; SaPna, 9.559; Newton, Emporia, 7,951 Arkansas City, 7.350; Win-field, Ottawa, Wellington, 6.307; Parsons, Pittsburgh. 5.4')7; El Dorado, Elay Canter, 52U; Abilene, iZ, aed einain yours faithfully. matters they are following the dictates only love your enemies but you ha to your friends. The laws are unjust, still you make no effort to change them. You vote the old tickets to savo your vote, which is worse than criminal.

The laws are made for" the rich, because the rich give them atientieii through politics by voting for their own interest. Times are sp'endid with the rich, it how is it with labor. You have voles necessary to rectify tho trouble; but you prefer to wear your old clothes and go hungry. You and those in your condition have followed this course for a thousand years but wiil learn nothing from such an experience. The labor organizations throughout the country are formed in compliance with political leaders'' demands who forbid political discussion, because by of their own consciences and their own lu S.

SACKVIT.I.E EST. TIIE I.EfTEH TO MINISTER WEST. Washington-, Oct. S. The following i enlightened judgment, instead of the dictates of politicians the party the letter to Minister Went which callea the book circulating in Germany.

Fire in Chatham, the other tnorn-ing destroyed a planing mill and a carriage and harness shop, caiuing $02,000 loss. The Emperor of Germany sent a persona! telegram to M. do Giers, tiie Russian Minister, congratulating him on the fiftieth anniversary of his entry into public life. lloiiNBURG, the retired German officer who was arrested at Nice while mailing a Lebei cartridge on tho charge of being a spy, lias been sentenced to imprisonment for five years the payment of a line of $1,000, and lie will not be allowed to stop in France ten years from tho expiration of his sentence. Br.sixEss failures (Dan's report) for forth his much criticised reply: through oil tho 21th.

The tunuel is feet long. Prairie wolves in Northern Montana have recently killed hundreds of sheep and colts and have even attacked travelers. The will of the late John Wentworth, of Chicago, divides the estate, which is worth $1,500,010, equally between his daughter Roxana and his nephew Moses. The public schools of Athens, have been closed because of the prevalence of dipht heria. Benjamin V.

Carter, a cowboy, was hanged on the li nt ilawlings, for lie murder of John Jeffrey, a farmer, in October, The murder grew out of tho quarrels between stockmen and whippers-in. 'Jo the Rritith MinUtrr, Washinyto, I). Tub military court of inquiry, appointed. ly the President to investigate and report upon "the entire subject of the lining of the tunnel ext-lision of the Washington Pomona. Sept 4.

Sir: The travlty of It is to bo expected that men who iave the moral coinage to break the political situation here and the duties of those voters who are of Kmrlish birth, but still consider Kn-'land the mother land, const it utt away from the old party ties for any jupieduct," convened on TllK Chief of tho Bureau of Statist ics re neou. Mns. Harden Lusk, living near Eldorado, killed her baby the other morning by never i 11 sr its head from the bod3r with a butcher knife. When lier husband went to her room tho wife said a chicken had eason, however good or just it may joi is umt tho total number of immigrants the apology I hereby offer for intruding for information. Mr.

Cleveland's message to Coiurress on the fishery question justly ex- bo, will incur more or less censure mat arrived at of the United from the principal foreign countries, except from the JWh.iun of Canada find Cites our alarm and compel us to seels a farther knowledge before finally casting our discussion tho lahoiinir man would from their old associates, and will often have to endure the ehiire of being "renegades" and "traitors," but such epithets are cheap and have 110 bothered Ikt during" the night and she had cut its heail oir. Upon tinning down the covers ho was horrified to discover tho tho seven days ended October 25 numbered soon see the trouble sinl learn to apply Mexico, during the nine months ended Sot votes for him as we had intended to do. Many Knglish citizens have for years refrained from 4, as 224 the previous week and the remedy. The old parties have 'mbcritn, 1 oHS, was 4.T2.WIA against 210 tho corresponding week last year. headless corpse of his child.

The woman aunn; the same period Inst year. made the laws which have robbed you sting for men who are tiding in the bein naturalized, as they thought, no rooiI would accrue from the act. but Mr. Cleveland's administration has been so favorable anl It is stated that several lines of Amer i inquiry into the uqueduct scandal sl ill held the knife in her hand, which was taken from her fitter a struggle. Sho was ican goods have been boycotted in China, ine of conscience and a high sense of rommenccd at asliinetoii on the 'Jfit h.

while claiming to your friends. This is why your condition is so de friendly toward England, so kind in not ea- insane. IIIK total bond purchases to date under petro'oum and flour being the principal articles. The Chinese Time contains a duty. The fetish of party loyalty has been the cause of unnumbered abuses Rev.

Parhek Butler, a historical char plorable. You need to take political foreiiiR the Retaliatory act passed by Congress, so sound on the free tra'ie question and so hos tile to the dynamite school of Ireland that acter in Jvatisas, cued at rarminglon. matters into vour own hands. If the American polities. Through a mis the circular of April 17 were of which were 4 per cents uml 4 per cents.

Their cost was for the 4s and AX.m for the AtchHcn County, on tho 20th, from tho old parties can remedy labor's troubles, effect of iniuries received bv being thrown the hundreds yes. by ihe thousands they havf become naturalized for the express purpose oi to elect him aerain, the one above all taken idea of their obligations in this respect, and through a false party why have they not done so during the 4 in, making a total of 107. Th; from his horse about a month previous. Ho located in Kansas in a loner tenure of their existence and American politicians they consider their own and the country's best friend. I am one of thew treasury surplus is stated to be pride, men have often stilled their own reason and judgment emphatically con prominent figure in the early trout les, be unfortunates ith a riUt to vote for President in November.

I am unable to understand fo support. Perhaps, when the whole property is absorbed into the hands of a few and a political property qualifi ing an uncompromising Free State man and active participant iu the events of the demned. They have been slaves THIS KAST. Oenkrai, K. U.

Si inola has been renominated for Congress by the Tammany iota I shall cast my ballot when but rn when they should have been free men. stirring times incident to the pioneer days month sij'o I was sure Mr. Cleveland was the of the Territory. lie was seventy-two Jieinoerats of tho York Tenth dis cation enacted you may learn tho whole truth while pity will come alone trict. rop.n.

If Cleveland was pursuing a new poli'-y toward Canada temporarily and for the sakeot obtaining popularity ami continuation of hi years of age. It is one thing to go with party as long as it goes right or nearly right; it is another to stay with a party when it goes wholly and irretrievably wrong. from (Hod. (. 11 William, in Xatisnal Governor Martin- has is-jued a procla Quarantine against cattlo from Mexico, except at two points, has been established for Arizona because of Texas fever.

By a collision between a freight ami an empty passenger train near San Jose, 111., recently, both locomotives and seventeen cars were destroyed and Fireman Baum killed. Mrs. Jackson- and Miss Nellie Norrix, living in Cleveland, poured gasoline on the kitchen floor the other day to kill roaches. The gas was ignited by the fire in the range ami an explosion resulted. Both women were severely burned, Miss Non is severely.

August Hertel, an immigrant boy, age 1 foui teen years, who was on his way front Bavaria to join his father, William Hertel, at Shumwny, 111., walked off a Lake Shore train while asleep the other night, near Cleveland, and was killed. The Portland express on the Northern Pacific was wrecked by an open switch near Crow Wing the other night. A soldier of the third regiment was fatally injured. The other passengers, mail clerks and trainmen escaped with a few bruises. The schooner Makah, of Astoria, was wrecked near the entrance to Tillamook bay recently.

As the hull of the vessel was bottom side up and no signs of life were visible, it was supposed that all hands were lost. The Chicago, Rock Island Pacific railway has been completed to Colorado Springs. The event was celebrated by a grand banquet. mation offering a reward of for the ar Vic iv. A fkkiotit wreck occurred one mile west of Tyrone, near AKoona, recently.

Two boys, stealing a ride, were il'lce our years more, but intends to cease his po'iicy when his re-election is secured ia rest anil conviction of Thomas J. Gooden, Loyalty to a party may often be com EXPENSIVE BREAD. crushed beyond recognition and thirty live car? were smashed. late treasurer of Rawlins County, who is a fugitive from justice, charged with em November, and favor English interests, then I should have no further doubts but ki forward and vote for Tdm. I know of no one better to direct me, sir, and I most re-speetfully ask your advice in the matter.

I mendable, but loyalty to principle is always a safer and better rule. Times The Imperative NVerssity of Making bezzlement of the public funds to tho IHK steamer Atlas was sunk at New "Corners" a Criminal OUViisc. ork on the by collision with the ferry lioat Central. No lives were lost. amount of $10,000.

Patents lately issued to Kansas in ventors: Charles Brown, Emporia, bar From every city comes the story of diminished loaves of broad, and an in will further ttdd that the two men Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Harrir.on are wry evenly alKH. t.ENKKAt. John- A.

Logan- sailed from New York on the 24th for urope, ber's dressing case; George P. Crehore, crease of price with the claim that the letter from Pekin officials threatening retaliation for tho passage of the Exclusion act. The new English salt trust has put the price of common salt from 00 cents to $2. 23 per ton ami lump from $2.00 to $.3.75. The Babylonian exploring expedition of tho University of Pennsylvania, which left Philadelphia last summer, has been wrecked in the Grecian Archipelago.

None of the scientists were lost or hurt. The Russian papers denounce the divorce procured by King Milan, of Servia, as illegal, and all uphold Queen Natalie's protests. Rev. John Fleming died nt Troon, Scotland, the other day, aged ninetyyears. He had been a minister seventy years and conducted religious services to the last.

Ho was the author of numerous theological works and was an associate and co-worker with Dr. Thomas Chalmers in literature and religion. Thirty thousand men employed in the Derbyshire (England) collieries, have been conceded an advance 'of 10 per cent, in wages. A Cossack has been arrested near Tiflis, Russia, lie has disguised as an officer and had bombs and poison 011 his person. He was awaiting the arrival of the Czar'a train when arrest-'d.

The German Admiral has re-established a naval garrison at Bagg3'inio, Zanzibar. Three German messengers sent to the Mpwepta settlers have been murdered ou the coast. Clearing house returns for week ended October 27 showed an average increase of 7.2, compared with the corresponding week of last year. In New York the increase was 5.4. "corner" is the cause.

There now matched and a few votes may elect eithe one. Mr. Harrison is a Ji'jrh tariff man, a believer on the American side of ah questions ttnd undoubtedly an enemy to lirltish Inter 1 hk National Board of Steam at its meeting in Now York City re- Kansas City, cable railway carrying pulley; Solomon C. Cross, Sedgewick, de change and paYties change with them. In tho midst of all the turning and overturning in the political world of to-day, the new issues, new policies that are constantly springing up, it behooves every man to mark well whose lead he is following, lest he bo led to his own undoing.

The currents of xolitical action are often shifting corner the additional and natural se vice for cutting corn; Enoch F. Drake and i-entiy, elected oitieors lor tho ensuing ests generally. This State is equally divided quel to ine story tnat the poor are A- C. Wait, Salina, thill coupling; Jesse year. A.

C. Cheney, of New York, is the B. Ellis, Great Bend, arch bridge; Charles ew president. buying fewer loaves of bread and the distress is predicted which dear bread means to families to whom bread Fuller, Ludell, vehicle brake; Howard between tho parties and a mere handful ot our naturalized countrymen can turn it way. When it is remembered that a suiail State (Colorado) defeated Mr.

Tilden in l7ti and elected Haves, the Republican, the importance of California is at once apparent to Gamble, Lansing, nut lock; Warren 1HK forty-second anniversary of the American Missionary Society began at Providence, R. on the 2Hh. Drs. Gilbert and liana advocated harder mission and treacherous, and the man who forms the chief nourishment. A New House, Kansas City, elevator guard; Selden B.

Lard, Waterville, water wheel; I lork linn, the Uakery Com nil. As you are at th fountain head of knowl Louis P. Santy, Clements, fire escape; ary work among the Chinese. pany, one 01 tne largest in tne cuy, Win field S. Shanan, assignor to himself MlSUNbF.KSTANDING of signals on the edge on the question and Know netner iir Cleveland's present policy is temporary only.

ferryboat Central is now said to have been and whether he will, as soon as he secures an put up its prices, and a of the firm said: "Wo and F. M. Madisca, Russel, double acting force pump; Henry Sherman, assignor of THE SOUTH. Ortii II. Stein, a notorious newspaper crook, formerly of Kansas City, lias succeeded in passing a bogus check for $250 at the cause of the collision in New York other four years in the Presidency, suspend it one-haif to J.

Foppeu and A. andrist, harbor, in which the British steamship At las was sunk. for one of friendship and free trade, I apply to you privately and confidentia ly for in Luctor, keeper for the loose ends of straps; Baltimore, Md. can't make the loaves tiny smaller and we must put up the price. Look tit the crowd of poor people at the door Theodore K.

(Jocei.l and a negro, Tom formation, which shall in turn be treated as entirely secret. Such information would put me at rest myself, and. if favorable to Mr. AVilliam T. Sneddon, Wyandotte, operat ing mechanism for station indicators.

A rig and systematic steal was discov now, and you can readily see how it trusts blindly to them is likely to find himself some day amid surroundings perilous to peace of mind and of conscience, if nothing worse. It does not follow from all this that a man should not give his adherence to some party or that he should desert his party standard on the first trivial provocation. This would bo the height of puerility and unwisdom. The vacillating, crotchety, over-punctilious man is as much out of place in politics as the blind and stubborn party bigot Not every man in the country can have a party to his own liking. No good can be accomplished Peak, have been arrested at Chattanooga, for setting liro to an unoccupied house which was heavily insured.

Cleveland, enable me. on my own responsibili will affect them. Something should ered the ether day in the dry goods store ty, to assure rminy of our countrymen that they of G. W. Newman of Emporia The passenger depot and dining hall of would do England, a service by voting for Cleveland and against the Republican system of which had been going on for some time, With Mr.

Powderly we ask: "Is The whaling bark J. A. Howland, from the Santa Fe railway at Temple, has been destroyed by fire. Loss, in Ths thief was George B. a colore' tariff As I before observed, we know what to) there any remedy for this condition of Fox Island, in the Pacific Arctic ocean, re man, who had been in the employ of the do, but look for more light on a mysterious sub ports about a dozen whalers fast in th3 ured.

Dr. Neil Mitchell reported thirty-one affairs? Can we put an end to thU firm for over seven Tears, and until lately system of robbery without revolution? had been implicitly trusted. He was ar ice. The whalers belonged to New Bed ford, Mass. cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville on rested and his house searched, when about the 2 it h.

There were four deaths. Of the If there is a way it should be pointed Business was quiet on tho European $500 worth of goods of all kinds were foum new cases twelve were white and nineteen out colored. Total cases, total deaths, 3U7. stored away in all sorts of places. It was thought his stealings would run up into the The country is tumultuous with bourses during the week ended October 27.

In London American railroad securities were weak and unsettled. by organization for any purpose except on a basis of mutual concessions and compromises. It is only the es tariff talk, and the fate of the working The steamer Phil Armour sank at Wil thousands. classes is, according to this talk, hing The Governor has offered a reward of son's Lauding, a short distance above TIIE LATEST. Br a collision between two freight trains atOtisville, N.

the other day, one man was killed and three badly hurt. One of the injured was later run over by another train. TllK loss to the Pennsylvania railroad by the freight collision near Tyrone, will probably reach ijdOO.Ouo. Ovek 700 passengers of the steamship Elbe from Bremen have been held at Hoffman island quarantine, New York City, because of small-pox on the vessel. AM.

the right, title and interest in the New York Graphic, an afternoon illustrated paper, was purchased for by the Southern Trust Company at the sheriff's italo of that paper on the 21th. Daniel. Hand, an aged and wealthy resident of Guilford, has given $1,000,000 to the Missionary Hociety. of New York City, to be held in trust by the association and the interest to bo devoted to tho education of colored people in tho old slave States of the South. The trustees of Cornell University have appropriated for a new chemical la bora tory.

JIenry S. Ives, tho "bankrupt" broker, has sold his Brooklyn residence for and is hoarding at a fashionable hotel. TllK convention of tho Inter-Seminary Missionary Alliance was held in Boston recently. Vicksbui g. recently.

She was en $'500 for the arrest and conviction of the inir on the coming election. In tho There were ten now cases of yellow fe midst of this election tumult there ver at Gainesville, anil seventeen new cases and ten deaths at Enterprise, party guilty of the CofTeyville dynamite outrage, and a further reward of $3 K) for the an est and conviction of each and every party accessory to tho crime. The Governor has appointed the follow arises one man wno nas tne power to send thousands supperless to bed. and on the 29th. Ia Jackson viae, thirty- ject which the sooner it comes will better servo true Englishmen in casting their votes.

Very respectfully. DISCUSSING THE LETTER. Wakhixuto.v. Oct. Secretary Bayard made the following statement yesterday iii regard to the letter of Mr.

Murchison, of California, to the British Minister, on the subject of the pending Presidential election, nnd the British Minister's reply: "Yes, I have read both letters. I have not spra lie British Minister since ho went to 'Eur'. last spring until lie called on me this morning at the Department of Lord Sackville has no other or better means of knowledge of the intentions of the I'resident than any other of the of American people. His personal opinion is worth no more than that of any one of them on the ground of knowledge, and much less on the ground of interest in the subject. Whili there must be a consensus of opinion as to the impropriety of the expression of indi six new cases of yellow fever and four deaths from the disease were reported.

drive to the desperation of suicide the victims of his manipulation of tho The wife of Herman 11 Baadu, section sentials that should be insisted upon, tho general plan and policy. Independence in politics, rightly understood, means simply this and nothing more, the right and duty of every citizen to shape his political action in the line of his own best convictions and according to the dictates of his own enlightened reason, without regard to party ties or affiliations. It moans not cringing servility on the one hand nor foolish vacillation on tho oth-r, but market. Hero is one glowing example foreman on the Burlington road, and two of her sons were killed near Dubuque. of the impotency of the issue which is flaunted in the faces of the great ing delegates to the Farmers' Congress that meets at Topefca November 11: At large, A.

W. Smith, of MePherscn; Matt Edmonds, of Mc-Louth. First Congressional district, B. F. Wallace; Second, L.

W. Breyfogle; Third, A. P. Sanders; Thomas M. Potter; Fifth.

A. 1. Collins; Sixth, A. P. Balch, Saventh, R.

Iowa, recently by an engine tho handcar upon which they were riding. American people to blind them to tho gaged in tho Vicksburg and Greenville trade. The four small children of Joseph Whit-nker, colored, were burned to death recently at Blackshear, while their parents were away from home. Am. the keno rooms in New Orleans have been closed and the proprietors arrested.

The faro games have not been interfered with. At the meeting of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at Richmond, P. M. Arthur was re-elected chief and Mr. Ingraham secretary of the insurance order of the brotherhood.

G. D. Doherty, of Massachusetts, was elected grand chaplain, and W. R. Hesky, of Bloomiugton, grand guide.

Collector Magokkin, of El Paso, finds considerable difficulty with his small force in keeping out Chinese seeking entrance into the United States by way of The steamship Saginaw, which bad just importance of the issues which are the been refitted throughout, sank at tho Clyde basis of the new industrial party. This party alone advocates measures and line dock in New Y'ork City the other day without warning or known cause. E. Lawrence. The National Grange will Judge Blodgett, of the Federal Court principles that will make it impossible for one millionaire or any combination at Chicago, on the petition of th Bell the free, open and intelligent exercise of rights and privileges which belong to every American citizen.

When the political action of the voters of this Nation is controlled by principles like these we shall have an end of what is Mrs. Jamks Blaine, is reported hy her physicians to be lying quite sick at Telephone Company, has granted an in vidual views by any one holding the position of a foreign envoy, it is still to bo hoped that we will be able to settle the issues involved in the pending canvass without the importation of foreign interference or interioeddlins in. our doniestio alfairs. The American people will be New Y'ork. junction restraining the Cushman Telephone Comjiany from infringing on Bell Captain John- Dn.t.Aitu, of a coast patents in Indiana.

steamer, died in a Brooklyn hospital the of millionaires to starve the millions of struggling wage-workers. Yes, it is time that "something was done to defeat such combinations." It is time that the world should be compelled to understand the true cause of meet on the same da3r, the Grange iu Representative Hall and the Congress in the Senate Chamber. When the Rock Island train from tho East, reached Topeka the oth-r day, it had on board Robert Traver and his sister, aged forty-eight and forty respectively, who were insane. The brother had left Canada with his sister, who was in ill health, to visit relatives in Kansas, hoping that she might recover. On the way her disease developed iDto insanity, and the brother also became insane.

The man and known as "machine polities The United States Supreme Court, in other night of yellow fever. His vessel the drummer tax case from Texas, has u'onipt to resent and repel as impertinent was quarantined. Mexico. Three negro murderers who were to again declared unconstitutional any li Al.rKF.oH. Lovk, a merchant of Phila any such attempts, but they will easily party and a Government of the people, for the people, by the people, in fact as well as in name.

N. Observer. delphia, president of the Universal Peace recognize the political pitfall arranged by cense tax imposed directly or indirectly upon commercial travelers from other States. Union, has published a let ter declining the tho California letter with its object so plainly stamped upon its face and addressed to the British Minister into which candidacy for Vice-President on tho Na tlonal Equal Rights ticket. Tim Emperor of Germany has sent 4.00G POLITICAL SLAVERY.

have been hanged at Arkadelphia, Ai on the 20th, have been granted a respite to allow the State Supreme C' urt to review the case. The night watchman at Piatt packing house, Baltimore, was burned to death tho other morning and $10,000 damage done by fire. Surgeon Pouter reports to the Marine Tiik II. Clausen Son Brewing Com he has so surprisingly tumbled. Such petty i-chemes to break the fall of despair marks to the families of the victims of the recent railway disaster near Potanza, Italy.

This has aroused great enthusiasm pany, of New Y'ork, have sold lo George t-dierman, John R. Kingsford and Isaac imagined he was under arrest for some crime. They were taken in chargo by the authorities. There were recently several attempts to wreck Topeka's rapid transit trains. A man by the name of McVicker, forty ing politicians will be held in proper at Rome.

estimation by popular intelligence." Unternioyer, tho representatives of nn The story of the arrest of a Cossack Minister West was shown the mtervievr English syndicate, all their property on Nihilist at Kutars just before the arrival of the Czar's train is officially declared to tho Eastern boulevard and orty-seventh this world-wido poverty and distress. Unless the industrial reforms shall be accomplished, through the industrial party which alone advocates the true remedy, there will be nothing left but a revolution to relieve the desperation of a starving people. Dear bread is as likely as any thing to incite riots. Hungry men whose wives and little ones are famishing, have been driven, and will be again to, an animal ferocity against men like "Old Hutch," who stuff their already plethoric purses with the proceeds of a gigantic robbery of the "staff of life.1' Milwiu-kee Labor Review. Hospital Bureau from Jacksonville, that there are nine cases of yellow fever with Secretary Bayard last evening and asked what he had to say about it.

He said: bo false. The Washington Court of Claims met on at Enterprise, six of which are crit Nothing. I don't care to criticise it. Tho ical, and that Dr. Long is the only phy tho 29Lh for the winter session, but only sieian there.

He adds that Dr. Posey will letter sent from California was undoubtedly written for the purpose of entrapping me. In a few days I expect to bo in a go to Enterprise. News has been received from Columbus, position to make public the manner in The Prime Cause Responsible for the Deplorable Condition of Toilers. The low mutterings heard in labor circles indicate labor's unrest.

The laborer seems to have been studying causes and is now reaching results. He has caught sight of class legislation and sees it bearing upon labor, yet will not sever tho political ties. You, as laborers, have read their solemn enactment but have not seen their application to your business. Do you suppose that the enactors do not understand that application and the effect that must follow? If so, please tell me why all so certainly come out the same way, and against vou? If they can not legislate out Polk County, N. C.

which is in the mount which tho affair vias planned ana the identity of the persons concerned in it. The efforts which are being directed to ains away from railroad and telegraph communication, that a riot occurred there recently between Republicans and Democrats, after rival political meetings, in the discovery of the tricksters were instigated by me and I think I shall succeed ia Homes for the Needy. which a man named Brown was danger making every thing plain." ously shot. Many others of both parties The letter is variously commented upon were wounded and battered up. This is the great, grand and noble-purpose of the Union Labor zarty.

To accomplish it. four things must be done: Hugh a negro, was hanged and will probably bo worked for all it is politically worth. The New York Sun calls upon (Secretary Bayard to send Lord S'nelr his nassnorts. and reauests at Toledo, on the 2tith for killing another negro over a game of craps, side of the old rut, do you still wish 1. Poor, worthy, industrious men the British Government to recall its officious Minister.

Mr. Bayard says, how A large steam gin house together with forty bales of cotton and a lot of seed, be must be assisted out upon the publio years old, recently eloped with a sixteen-year-old girl at, Hutchinson. McVicker was a stranger, and but little was known of him, but it has since been stated that he is a married man and has a family of grown children, one of whom, a daughter, is older than the one he took" with him. His wife lives in Jeffersoiiville, Ind. Ralph Gross was recently arrested at Topeka upon a telegram from Minneapolis, charging him with embezzlement.

He was regarded as honest and competent by His employer at Topeka. The amount of tile alleged embezzlement is small, and he claimed that the arrest was a piece of maliciousness, and ho voluntarily returned with the officer, declaring that he would make it warm for his accuser. The registration of Kansas City (Kan.) was 8,400 voters, and now the city claims a population of fully 45,000, and also cla ms to be tho largest city in tho State. Let other cities report. Topeka claims 50,000 people.

Recent post-ofiico changes in Kansas: Established, Dresden, Decatur County; High Bridge, Atchison County; Mell, Wallace County; Oakland, Shawnee County; Thurford, Thomas County. Names changed, Penfield, Osage County, to Olivet. Discontinued, Brookdale, Rush County; Morrison, Ford County. The Chicago, Nebraska Kansas railroad, owned by the Burlington line and operated from Odell, to Concordia, recently filed its annual report. The company makes a very unfavorable showing for the la3t year.

The total earnings for the year were $55 t35.15, and th t-al expenses ever, that "Lord Sackville's letter was Dtreet, the price paid being 1,500.000. NEW Y'ouk Socialists on tho 27th celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the starting of the movement, which was caused by the famous letter of Ferdinand La Salle at Leio-dc, calling attention to the wrongs of workingiuen. TllK Faraday carbon works and an axle factory at Pittsburgh. were de-utroyed by fire the other night. Loss, Seventeen thousand were said to bo in line at the busings men's parade at New Y'ork on the 27ih, which was reviewed by President Cleveland.

The demonstration wan greatly marred by a drenching rain. REPOHTS of illegal registration at Now York were supplemented by a few arrests. Justice Welde held William E. Coulter, a car driver, in $2,000 bail for registering twice. Mishael Duano was held on the name charge.

He had only lived nine days in the place from which he registered. XOB WEST. The largest single shipment of opium that ever reached San Francisco arrived there last week aboard the steamer City of New Y'ork from Hong Kong. It weighed 10,400 pounds and at $10 per pound netted the Government in duty George Johnson and William Aiken were crushed to death hy the fall of a huge rock in a quarry at Evansville, recently. Joaquin Miller, the noted poet, shot himself through the fleshy part of his left hand while hunting near San Francisco 'the other day.

lands. longing to Frank on the Covington plantation, near Greenville, was evidently not intended for publication, and could not be noticed by this arranged for the hearing of a number of French spoliation cases. The schooner Pensaukee and 35,000 bushels of wheat belonging to B. P. Hutchinson, the noted Chicago Board of Trade operator, were lost in St.

Clair river recently. A telegram has been received at Washington announcing the capture of the American steamer Haytien Republic, while trying to force tho blockade at St. Marc, but giving no details. Samuel H. Albero, of New York, whose nomination as Superintendent of Indian Schools failed of confirmation by the Senate, has been again appointed to that position by the President.

Captain Tufts of the coast schooner Charles E. Foster reported at St. Croix, the other day that he saw an unknown sailing vessel sink during a gale and was unable to find any survivors. Nathaniel Watts, one of the men who repulsed the British attack on Baltimore September 12, 1814, died on the 29th aged ninety-three. The famous bandit Victor Flagoso has been killed and some of his companions wounded by the civil guard in Cuba.

J. A. Closser grain dealers of Indianapolis, who were short on the market, have failed with $100,030 assets and liabilities. Baron Hirsch, of Vienna, has donated 12.000,000 francs for the education of the Jews in Galicia. 2.

The land which has been stolen by railroad corporations must be re burned recently. AVilliam T. ex-Governor and covered and restored to the public domain. ex-United States Senator, died of pneu monia atHagerstown. recently.

The engineer and a passenger were fa 3. Government must loan money di rect to the people at three per tally and two other men badly injured by the wrecking of a passenger train near them to be your legislators? Do you, farmers, who have worked sixteen hours a day for a bare subsistence, know how your neighbors become millionaires without working, unless by special privileges granted by law? If so, Mr. Laborer, did your party not grant those privileges? The other party has been at the wheel now, you know, but have things been any better? You also know that any country which produces more than it cm consume can not throw the blame for poor markets upon any system of tariff. Why, then, does labor go for advice to those who offer this in order to help farmers and owners Paris, the other day. of small homes out of debt.

4. There must be a graduated in The more prominent members of the jute bagging trust have been indicted by Pickpockets Arrested. Itraca, N. Oct. 2 The pickpockets who were following Governor Hill on his speaking tour, and who were so successful at Watertown, left Norwich and filched a score pocketbooks here last night, but met with disaster in the end.

One was arrested after breaking Policeman Donovai'3 thumb and striking the ofticer on the head with a revolver, and ihree of the four who boarded the Lehign Valley New York bound express train were capftared later two at East Wavtrly and one at Kayre. In taking these men, Uderman Babco*ck, of this city, had his nose broken. Many gutted pocketbook were found in alleys and cellar wsji. come tax that two-edged sword. the grand jury of Shelby County, Tenn for conspiracy.

which relieves the weaker and poorer A train on the Chesapeake Ohio was classes from the burdens of taxation, wrecked by a misplaced switch near and puts it upon the shoulders oi the Charleston, W. recently. The fire rich, and which also prevents the vast man and conductor were burned to death under the wreck, the baggage car taking accumulatiovf of wealth in th panacea only, and especially so when hre. under thttU tutelage they have reaped ol a lew, Chicago Sentinel.

The Liberty Review from Liberty, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.